He's on his way back home

He's on his way back home

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Basic Buddhism 101

When we first come across the teachings, one basic teaching was this:

Avoid Causing Harm; Do Good; Purify the Mind; This is the Teachings of All Buddhas

It previously came across to me as common sense but vague.

It is only recently that it dawned on me how relevant this is to my everyday practice, in fact it offers a sound framework for my everyday practice.

Avoid Causing Harm

Everyday I cause harm to myself and others when I get caught in my self-centred emotions.  Driven by negative emotions such as anger, unkind speech and action unfolds.  My practice (as already elaborated in previous posts) is to recognise and refrain from following the self centred storylines and to return to feeling the uncomfortable sensations, grounded in the present moment. 

Simple practice but not easy.  Through this practice, I have come to realise how deep my habitual tendencies run.  This is truly a lifelong practice.

 Do Good

When I am not caught up in my self-centred emotions and thinking, it becomes possible to do good.  Nothing spectacular.  I am talking about gentle words and acts in our everyday life, about touching deeply the life that is available in the present moment.  Saying good morning to the bus driver, giving up seat to a elderly auntie, buying tissue from the blind uncle, thanking and encouraging my staff for their effort at work, and smiling lovingly to my wife and son.

Again simple but not easy.  How often I am caught up in some self-centred dream and fail to touch deeply the life that is available in the here and the now.

Purify the Mind

This part serves to remind me to take pauses throughout the day, as and when possible.  Other than formal sitting practices in the early morning and late evening, I just need to notice pauses in between discrete events in everyday life.  There are plenty of opportunities if I stay mindful.  Like during the morning bus ride, like when queuing up for food during breakfast and lunch, like when first stepping into office, sitting down and waiting for the computer to power up.  There are many other little moments when I can pause and press 'control alternate delete' button for my mind.  Put aside all thinking and just pause to enjoy my breathing in and breathing out.

May all of us continue to enjoy our practice and be well and happy.
Amituofo. =)

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