He's on his way back home

He's on his way back home

Saturday, February 7, 2009

nus buddhist society 30th anniversary lunch reflection

today i had lunch @ nusbs 30th anni lunch, and was glad to meet up with fellow alumni and current students...
in one of discussion w xiao wei n gordon, we realised many who were once veri "onz" about buddhism n spiritual practice has turned away completely and refuse to hav anything to do with it anymore...
people i thought were much "more spiritual" than myself turning away from spiritual practice completely is kinda shocking...
but actualli upon reflection, i am not that consistent myself either, i myself hav found myself on occasions, conveniently forgotten about practice for weeks (or even mths!)
when in the midst of our busi and hectic everyday life sometimes our life situation can takes us over so completely (can be either bad or good situations),
that practice is totally erased from our mind...
or when we convince ourselves practice has no use/no meaning to our current life situation...
or maybe we dun see the point of practice anymore...
or maybe we have forgetten something veri basic in our life...
or maybe we need to remind ourselves of the reality of impermanence of everything and that ultimately we have no control over the things in our life...
for mi i hav found reciting the following verse (Practice Principles @ San Diego Zen Center) on a daily basis helpful in grounding myself...

Caught in the self-centered dream, only suffering.
Holding to self-centered thoughts, exactly the dream.
Each moment, life as it is, the only teacher.
Being just this moment, compassion's way.

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