He's on his way back home

He's on his way back home

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Three Steps to Awakening

I am currently reading this wonderful book by Larry Rosenberg titled "Three Steps to Awakening".
It offers us a practice based on the Anapanasati Sutta, and also based on his own realisation from his practice. Rosenberg is the guiding teacher of the Cambridge Insight Meditation Centre of the Vipassana Tradition.

 Although my practice is based on the Zen tradition, I am amazed at how relevant this book is, to my practice. Probably also because my practice is also based on the breath and on open awareness (as opposed to single-pointed type concentration practices). 

His approach has three steps:

1. whole-body breath awareness - which brings attention to the breath and the physical body in a more concentrated type of meditation (think samatha)
2. breath-as-anchor - the meditation transits into a more open awareness type of meditation (think vipassana), but still using breath awareness as an anchor.
3. choiceless awareness - transition into a even more open awareness, where the meditator let go of the breath as an anchor. It reminds me of shikantaza.

And his book focus not just on formal sitting meditation but also include bringing that awareness into our everyday life and relationships.

It is a really wonderful book, I can feel that the author's practice is very deep and very genuine, I totally enjoyed the book =D
I highly recommend this book to anyone whose practice includes the breath or open awareness (vipassana type).

May all of us continue to enjoy our practice and be well and happy.

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